суббота, 23 апреля 2016 г.

A note to those who test kde apps building them from sources

if you encounter a problem with unfindable plugins like the one described here, the answer is simple: move fresh plugins to 'qt5' subfolder, e.g. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins instead of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/plugins

Update: or pass -DKDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS=ON to cmake command (thanks to csslayer for pointing that out)

суббота, 16 апреля 2016 г.

KTorrent KF5 release

KTorrent for KF5 is available officially, please spread the news.

One known issue that struck many people is downloading to ntfs partition being slow even on ssd (!) and causing ui unresponsiveness (the root cause is inside ntfs driver). In the next release i will introduce an autodetection of ntfs and suggestion to download to a non-ntfs partition with moving files to ntfs after download finishes.

Update: i have found a proper fix for the ntfs problem (i just disabled mmaping codepath for ntfs* and fuseblk filesystems). i'll create a 2.0.1 release of libktorrent tomorrow.

суббота, 28 ноября 2015 г.

KTorrent KF5 port

So finally i have scratched my own itch and worked on ktorrent port (thanks Andrius Štikonas for initial porting of libktorrent). Basic torrent download works (i tried rutracker.org), but ktorrent cannot find its plugins. So if anyone has expertise in KService and stuff, help is welcome.

One can build ktorrent using kdesrc-build script or manually from 'frameworks' git branch.

Also note that new Coverity scan results are available for many kde libs and apps, this time also including plasma and baloo, but without krita

понедельник, 2 ноября 2015 г.

Coverity scan results for KDE 15.12 (master branch)

I have triggered another round of Coverity static analysis of KDE codebase, this time more than 180 repositories were built out of 253 including frameworks, almost all the base/workspace apps, krita, kdevplatform, konversation, marble.

To view analysis results you need to be a member of KDE Coverity project. If you are not yet then please send an appropriate request in Coverity describing your role in KDE and one of KDE Coverity project admins will approve it.

воскресенье, 27 сентября 2015 г.

Lokalize for Windows and OSX with spellcheck

New Lokalize builds for WIndows 7+ and OSX 10.9+ with spellcheck available (both 64-bit):

win mirror 1 win mirror 2
osx mirror 1 osx mirror 2

Lokalize will use spell dictionaries installed with LibreOffice 5 (please install it in default location), also on OSX few system-shipped dictionaries will be used for spellcheck, but for glossary stemming feature you still need to install LibreOffice with at least English dictionaries.

If windows build fails to start saying msvcp140.dll is missing then install this microsoft vc2015 redistributable

Unfortunatelly full open source OpenDocument translation toolchain (get .odt -> extract strings into .xlf -> translate it -> merge translation back into .odt) is unusable at the moment because of bug #3239.

пятница, 20 марта 2015 г.

Coverity scan results for KF5

I have initiated coverity scan for 96 KF5 repositories out of 233 available to kdesrc-build. All the rest didn't build on my machine either because debian still ships Qt 5.3 or for some other reason. The scan has found 610 new defects, and there are more pre-existing ones that were found two years ago.

Please have a look at the results and fix defects that are in the code you know. If you still are not a member of 'KDE' project @scan.coverity.com please register there and send a membership request. Being a member means that you can mark defects as 'done' or 'false positive'.

I will retrigger scan in several weeks.

суббота, 20 декабря 2014 г.

Lokalize for KF5, Windows and OS X

...and how to implement KUniqueApplication functionality on win+osx (scroll down for this).

I have finished porting Lokalize to KF5, you can build it using kdesrc-build script.

Also I'm working on a stripped down version of Lokalize for Windows and for OS X which doesn't need KDE. Follow the links to get .exe and .app prebuilt for you (Windows XP+, OS X 10.9+)

Remember this is the first public preview release, so don't expect more than simple editing of PO and XLIFF files. Features that are missing but are planned for integration into win+osx versions:
- File search and replace window with Quality Assurance feature
- Spellchecking
- Stemming for the glossary
- Calling odf2xliff and xliff2odf console tools from Lokalize
- Polishing

Please report bugs, crashes and features you would like to be implemented first down in the comments.

KUniqueApplication: please see a code inside Q_OS_WIN32 in main.cpp for the way how to open files in an app instance that is already running. For OS X you only need to install an event filter on qApp that reacts to QFileOpenEvent event.